Sunday, April 4, 2010

Think Tank (Play in One Act)

(Curtain opens to an empty stage. TT, a large, red, metal box sits exactly Center S. ME enters wearing sunglasses and a contemplative expression)
TT—Hey, girl in the sunglasses, what are you thinking about?
ME—(Stops and looks around in confusion) Hmm? Did you just speak to me large red metal sidewalk box?
TT—Yeah, call me Think Tank. What are you thinking about?
ME—Think Tank? Oh, umm I guess I’m just thinking about life. Life and the tomatoes I’m about to buy.
TT—Oh yeah? Life and tomatoes? That sounds pretty complicated. Take a seat and let’s talk it out.
ME—Okay, I’m not really in a rush to get anywhere. Where should I sit?
TT—Come on in, I’m well air-conditioned.
(TT’s face cracks open slightly. The opening reveals a small padded room. ME looks in, but isn’t convinced)
ME—It looks pretty small in there.
TT—Come on, girl, it’s not small, it’s snug. Don’t you remember comfort? Think about my four precise walls touching each other at exactly 90 degrees. Just imagine the luxuries available when everything is right or wrong.
ME—I don’t know…That seems like an over-simplified way of looking at life and problem solving.
TT—Get in already, girl. Hurry up!
(Smoke curls out of TT’s cracked face. Girl starts backwards in a great hurry.)
ME—I really must be going, those tomatoes might be sold out by now, I’ll see you later TT.
(ME trips as she tries to exit Stage R. She falls to the ground and explodes into a million shards of glass. Orchestra begins slow crescendo of warm-up noises.)
TT—(Barely audible over progressively loud orchestra) Grad school will get you girl, even if didn’t today.

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